
Cultivating a Sweeter Community (part 2)

This blog summarizes the results of the sweet potato trial, comparing different varieties of sweet potatoes, in terms of marketable yield, cooked visual appearance, and taste. It also contains pictures of the community outreach events during Picnic Day and the Japanese Taste Testing Event with the Japanese Language and Cultural Club (JLCC) at UC Davis.

Cultivating a Sweeter Community (part 1)

As a part of our efforts to incorporate culinary and cultural significance into the plant breeding process, we embarked on a sweet potato variety trialing and breeding project funded by the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

Garden Zine Created by Interns from Asian American Studies

This Garden Zine highlights the students' time at the SRRC garden plot as they seek "to (re)connect with a part of themselves/the land or those who seek to nourish their souls through gardening."

A(A)&PI Farmers' Perspectives on Access to Asian Crops

Jue Htoo recounts her experiences with seed saving and what it means to be lucky enough to live in an environment that allows for Asian crops to thrive. Scott Chang-Fleeman illustrates that the U.S. economic system and climate change are all contributing factors to the (un)sustainability of farming work

Asian American Erasure and Endurance in Agriculture

As part of our Seed Saving and Cultural Memory Banking seminar in Winter 2022, Nina F. Ichikawa, who currently works with the Berkeley Food Institute, gave a presentation titled Asian Americans in food and farming: Erasure & Endurance.

The Short-Comings of Authenticity and Relating to Culture Through Seeds

In early January 2022, Kristyn Leach gave a Zoom talk to an interdisciplinary seminar that consisted of undergraduates, graduate students, and farmers. The seminar was on Asian American farmers in California and cultural memory banking, and it brought together people from different fields of study and varying levels of knowledge in farming and seed saving.